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Distinctive Restoration

Published on February 18, 2024
Published by Brandon O'Brien
Viewed by 5 people
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Description of item

Facing a bout of mold or sudden water disruption within your home or office can be overwhelming; thankfully, residents and businesses in Palm Desert have Distinctive Restoration standing by to alleviate these stressors. As a seasoned service provider for mold removal services in Palm Desert, we take pride in our comprehensive approach towards rejuvenating your environment after unwelcome water incursions. Whether it's an intricate task such as mold remediation or urgent flood relief efforts, our dedicated specialists work tirelessly from initial assessment through complete restoration of your property with unmatched dedication and empathy for those affected by such unpredictable events. Meticulously serving the region with effective solutions tailored for each unique situation – including complete mold removal conducted by our expert specialists—Distinctive Restoration is committed to restoring normalcy with quality workmanship that speaks volumes of our dedication to customer satisfaction and excellence in restoring tranquility post-disaster.

Address: 30670 Hill St, Thousand Palms, California, 92276

Our Business Hours:
Open 24 Hours

Accepted Payment Methods:
Cash, Check, Debit, VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Diner's Club, Discover

Our Services:
Water Damage restoration, Flood damage, mold removal, mold remediation, water cleanup


Other information

Contact Number: (760) 989-4179
Contact Email: [email protected]


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